Since 1999
What we do:
- Audio, Video, and TV Engineering
- Content Creation and Production
- Post-producion
- Live Streaming
Who we offer Engineerining Services to:
- TV and Radio Broadcasters
- Streaming providers
- Education
- Medical and Healthcare
- Religious
- Corporations
- Ad agencies
- Content creators
What kind of content we deliver:
- TV
- Movies
- Advertizing
- Web
- Branded Content
- Corporate Content
- Streaming
- Content Creators
- Social Media
Why to bring your project for us:
- Large experience in Post-production
- Multidisciplinar team
- Latest Technologies
- Creativity
- Comprehensive Workflow
- End-to-end production
- Detailed reports and project management
- Remote or on-site delivery
- Very competitive Pricing
Our first audio transmission over the Internet was in mid-1995 when we were still using modems connected to telephone lines in our laboratory.
Time has passed, technologies have evolved (and continue to evolve), and traditional telephone lines are falling into disuse, but audio and video streaming has become the most important competitor to traditional TV.
Live on the Internet – Today, we have a modern portable structure to carry out remote transmissions and a professionally equipped studio that can receive real or virtual scenarios (chromakey).
Whether for recording or live transmission, our services range from an interview in the form of a podcast to a sophisticated transmission with all the audiovisual resources currently available on the market.

Currently, we are capable to serve any streaming platform, making one live broadcast available to several independent platforms simultaneously (YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Twitch, Zoom, etc.) or for private dedicated servers, which are not subject to any interference from the platforms.
We are proud of our work and our customers. It is a story that began more than 20 years ago and continues to be written with each new event.
Some of our satisfied customers: